Anniversary Fundraiser for Land Purchase!

Back in April we announced our dream for a Rescue One center that would provide us the ability to intake and board more emergency rescues, allow us to partner with domestic violence shelters to temporarily house animals for affected families, and open a non profit veterinary clinic that would provide low cost services to the public. We have found land that fits all of our needs to purchase to make this happen! While we are excited, we are also a bit terrified as this project completely depends on support from the community and how much they feel they need our services. We will be working hard to raise the $85,000 still needed for the land purchase and then in the coming months we will be launching a capital campaign for the project. For our anniversary, we ask all of our followers to donate $7, $1 for each of our years of service to the community. We hope we can count on your support to turn our dream of expanding our program to fill in the gaps for animals in need in our community a reality!


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Donation Total: $100